- Galerie Kunstkeller: Alternating exhibitions throughout the year in the field of visual arts, three-dimensional works of art, arts and crafts, photography, but also readings, concerts and glittering parties entice you to the atmospheric brewery cellar vault.
- Three kings jazz: Jazz fans meet up for the three kings jazz event in the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg.
- Ehinger Fasnet: Make sure you don’t miss the “Glombiger Doschtig”. A fervent carnival, fireworks, city party night and good Ehing beer await you. The climax of the Ehinger Fasnet is the masked procession on Shrove Tuesday lasting several hours.
- March tapping: The kick-off for Märzenbier is always celebrated on the last Friday in February at the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg.
- Schwanenwirt‘s Kupferdächle: Copper-coloured special beer with fine malt aromas.
- Märzenbier tapping at the Schwanen: The brewer likes to drink Märzenbier ("März is the German word for March) in March
- The day of the beer on 23.04.: Celebrate the beer week at the brewery/pub with many events such as a beer quiz, book reading with Zwickelbier and many others things to do with beer.
- Schwanenwirt‘s Rauchbier. People don’t only like to drink Rauchbier in Bamberg.
- May jazz with the opening of the brewery garden. Jazz fans meet up on 01 May at the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg and open the beer garden season.
- Maibock beer. A strong start into the summer at the Schwanen.
- Summertime = ale beer time. A new ale beer creation from the Schwanen brewery every year.
- Ehinger Musiksommer: A row of events where local people engaged in the cultural sector meet musicians of an international standing. The Musiksommer offers fans of all musical genres superior concerts.
- Ulrichsfest: Celebrate with the Berg Brauerei in Ehingen-Berg in the festival tent, brewery garden and the entire brewery premises.
- BrauereiGewölbe: The Berg brewery museum comes to life at the Ulrichsfest. Old equipment and machinery is used to brew and bottle beer.
- Summer and children’s festival: 4 days of fun for young and old on the Ehinger fairground. Barrel tapping, morning pint and groovy party music.
- Ehinger City Film Festival: A chilled beer is the ideal companion for the hot summer nights at the Ehinger City Film Festival on the market square. Admission is free!
- Herbstgold beer tapping: The kick-off of the Herbstgold beer is always celebrated on the last Friday in August in the brewery garden of the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg.
- Ehgner Kirbe: The “Ehgner Kirbe” is celebrated on the last weekend of the summer holidays. The large festival held by the clubs/associations invites you to spend some time socializing in the city centre.
- October festival weeks in the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg.
- Brewers’ New Year’s Eve: Celebrate the turn of the year for brewers at the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg. The brewing year ends on 30.09., the new one begins when hops and malt are freshly harvested.
- The summer comes to an end at the Schwanen with the strength of the Weizendoppelbock beer.
- Schwarzbier tapping: The Schwarzbier from the Schwanen brewery in October is as black as night.
- Jazz days: The finest concerts and “local” events always await you at the second weekend in October.
- Bockbier tapping at Martin and Ulrich: Two different Bockbiers are tapped at the BrauereiWirtschaft Berg – St. Ulrichsbock and Weizen-Bock – tasty goose specialities are served to go with them.
- Ehinger Bier: Every year, ca. 2 kg of hops of the Ehinger Perle variety are harvested, turned into Ehinger beer and served at the Schwanen in November.
- Christmas market: The atmospheric Christmas market in the city centre invites you to come by for many festive surprises and fine Christmas beer.
- Malty Christmas beer for some reflective time at the Schwanen.
You can find many more beer culture event ideas on the websites of the Berg Brauerei and Gasthof Brauerei Schwanen.
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